Daily Archives: August 12, 2011

> Popbitch is not my usual source for this blog, but this week it had a little gem of a fact: “The west of cities in the Northern Hemisphere are posher than the east because the winds blow west to east – i.e. back in the Industrial Revolution pollution drifted eastwards.” The theory was set out in more detail on the Januarist blog. Prevailing winds would […]

>An ill wind blows east

The PIGS are squealing. Barely a day has passed this summer without rumour of sovereign debt default panicking already skittish markets. Greece would have defaulted without massive EU intervention, but even this hasn’t prevented fresh fear of Eurozone-wide contagion. France is the latest casualty, with shares in its financial institutions paying a heavy price this week. The spectre of sovereign debt default is not contained to […]

Screwing the moneylenders