Daily Archives: February 22, 2012

This week, Stephen Irvine had a night in front of the telly … Like a cold-hearted, moustachioed screw bundling a terrified lad out of the minivan, through the drizzle-soaked grounds of the borstal, up the concrete steps and into his new abode, the cold hand of time is about to shove me further into my 30’s any day now.  An impending birthday is as good a moment […]

The Future’s Dark. The Future’s Orange

It seems strange to think that the historic heart of Russia was once Kiev, a city that is now the capital of an independent Ukraine. The Rus’ people had pushed south from their heartlands in Novgorod to reach Kiev in the ninth century. Kievan Rus’ became the centre of a golden age for Russia. Given the central role of Kiev in Russian history, the etymology of […]

Living on the edge